Curious about who Believer’s Bridge is and how they started? Come read about this incredible journey and see where God is taking them. More information is available through our FAQ.
(Scroll down for FAQ)
The Beginning ~
In July 2007, the Rowley family and others went on a mission trip to Peru to help Mike Riggs, a missionary in the area. Bill Rowley returned in October 2007 to visit the Andes of Peru and teach on Creation to the Quechua.
During that October trip, Bill heard the story of how the Shining Path had terrorized the mountainous regions of Peru, specifically Andahuaylas where he was visiting. Many pastors and political leaders were killed in the 80’s and 90’s and now there were over 1,200 churches with a small group of trained pastors left. They asked Bill to send Mike to help teach and train those who were filling in as pastors but had no training, chosen only because they knew how to read.
Needless to say, the urgency and plea of the nationals touched the hearts of Bill Rowley and Mike Riggs, and God put the rest into motion.
The Why~
Believer’s Bridge was started so the Riggs could have a mission organization that would take care of all the details that a missionary needs when they are on the mission field. Since that initial calling, Believer’s Bridge has continued as a mission organization.
The Organization~
Currently Believer’s Bridge has several American missionaries and some national families working with them full-time. There are several others who volunteer and a few who have shown interest in a full-time career.
Believer’s Bridge has the goal of helping and training nationals to become their own stand alone entity. As of March 2015, our Peruvian nationals did just that and branched out to fulfill our vision of being independent. Currently we are working in the surrounding areas of Belem, Brazil, on the mouth of the Amazon. In February 2014 Believer’s Bridge was asked to be the managing mission for Amazon Valley Academy (AVA), an international Christian Primary and Secondary school with classes taught in English. AVA also has an English speaking church service which became an official Calvary Chapel June 2016. AVA is also a platform for other ministry events such as our annual Apologetic Conference.
Our sister organization, Missao Ponte, was officially formed December 2014.
So now that you know our story, we would love for you to be a part of it! Feel free to get in contact with us by email, mail, or phone.
Becky and Bill Rowley
Frequently Asked Questions
What do BB (Believer’s Bridge) missionaries do?
– BB’s focus is discipleship and training leaders. We do not do church planting, but rather gird up the existing church or community by teaching basic Bible foundations.
What kinds of groups/organizations does BB work with?
– Local churches: By providing discipleship training as needed. Since we are non-denominational, our goal is to teach the basic foundations of what the Bible teaches.
– Local organizations: Sometimes organizations will approach us and request we work in a certain area. We are open to working with most groups or organizations, provided they agree with our Statement of Faith and are willing to at least listen and respect what we teach.
How are BB missionaries supported?
– We are a faith ministry. Missionaries are financially supported by local churches, friends, relatives, and others who choose to partner with them. BB missionaries are required to raise their own support with the exception of (some) AVA teachers.
I am interested in a short-term missions trip with BB. What do I need to do?
– First of all, contact us by filling out the email form and letting us know the time frame you are thinking of. You may be able to/want to join a current mission team that is already planned. Check out our Short-Term Trips page to see what is currently happening. You will be asked to fill out an application form. We have also created a Short-Term Mission Trip Handbook for Brazil which provides detailed information about doing a short-term mission trip with us.
I am interested in becoming a long-term missionary. I’d like to learn more about BB and see if we are a match. What do I need to do?
– Contact us through the email form and let’s go from there.
I am interested in volunteering. What do I need to do?
– We can always use volunteers! Go to our Volunteer page and fill out the contact form.